Notes from the Tripticks Tapes listing on the actual Bandcamp page:
Bass and feedback mixer duo.
In 2011-2013 we frequently played duo and trio with guitar/electronicist Brian Del Toro. People moved, and so things slowed down: there was one telematic duo between San Diego and Miami in 2015 for the FEASt festival.
A day prior to this recording, we collaborated with Matt Baltrucki on a project with Carlos doing video processing, but this recording was the first time playing sound together again in years.
The first 6 tracks are the continuous "first set" (plug in and play). Bonus track with purchase is the 15'43" "second set," Mikania Scandens.
feedback mixer:
ctrl. out -> in,
bass -> room -> mic -> in,
fx send -> in,
phones -> in
released September 4, 2020
Kyle Motl: bass
Carlos Dominguez: feedback mixer
Recorded November 9, 2019 in Florida
Recorded, mixed, mastered by Matt Baltrucki
Album Art by Carlos Dominguez and Kyle Motl
all rights reserved
Notes from Kyle Motl's listing on his Bandcamp page:
Field of Fried Umbrellas is a collection of improvised works for double bass and feedback mixer exploring both acoustic and electroacoustic phenomena resulting from the interaction between certain modes of bass playing and feedback structures. The result lies somewhere between improvised music, noise, sound art, and electroacoustic music, managing to be all of the above, yet something other.
Kyle Motl (bass) and Carlos Dominguez (feedback mixer) have been playing music together since 2011. From 2011-2013, they frequently played duo and in the electronics trio, Not the Circus, with Brian Del Toro. People moved, and collaborations slowed down, punctuated by the occasional festival or telematic performance. 2019 saw a renewal of their collaboration, spurred by a performance/production project with Matt Baltrucki, Polysemic, which presented 3 simultaneous productions of a live solo bass concert treated with different production and video aesthetics. The collaboration with Matt as engineer continued with a recording session the following day, which resulted in the previous Motl/Dominguez recording, Artabotrys Hexapetalus. Where Artabotrys Hexapetalus sets out on a wide voyage, Field of Fried Umbrellas zeroes in on specific interactions, textures, and artifacts.
released October 14, 2022
Kyle Motl - double bass & distortion pedal
Carlos Dominguez - feedback mixer
Recorded, mixed, and mastered by Matt Baltrucki
Recorded October 3, 2020 at The Rat’s Mouth, FL
Art by Carlos Dominguez and Kyle Motl
All titles excerpted Texture Notes by Sawako Nakayasu
all rights reserved
Three improvisations on mixer and laptop done while contemplating 2015. Mixer is configured for feedback and routes into laptop. Laptop holds up to 8 samples and plays them back at different speeds/times. Focus is on small differences between live feedback and playback. released December 31, 2014
An improvisation for electric bass routed to feedback mixer and laptop. Bass goes into one channel that is fed back into the next. Mixer is configured for feedback and routes into laptop. Laptop holds up to 8 samples and plays them back at different speeds/times. Performed outside of the Harold Golen gallery in Miami, FL. December 05, 2014 Thanks Juraj!
An improvisation for laptop and the 16-CdS surface controller, photosinebank involves the creation of shadows onto the controller to manipulate the amplitudes of a bank of sine wave oscillators. The oscillators are programmed with close harmonic relationships, finely tuned to produce intricate interference patterns. Performed at the Audiotheque in Miami, FL. December 26, 2013 Thanks Gustavo!