carlos dominguez


mixer things, 2014

photo sine bank image

Three improvisations on mixer and laptop done while contemplating 2015. Mixer is configured for feedback and routes into laptop. Laptop holds up to 8 samples and plays them back at different speeds/times. Focus is on small differences between live feedback and playback.

released December 31, 2014

el. bass & mixer, 2014

photo sine bank image

An improvisation for electric bass routed to feedback mixer and laptop. Bass goes into one channel that is fed back into the next. Mixer is configured for feedback and routes into laptop. Laptop holds up to 8 samples and plays them back at different speeds/times.

Performed outside of the Harold Golen gallery in Miami, FL.
December 05, 2014

Thanks Juraj!

photosinebank, 2013

photo sine bank image

An improvisation for laptop and the 16-CdS surface controller, photosinebank involves the creation of shadows onto the controller to manipulate the amplitudes of a bank of sine wave oscillators. The oscillators are programmed with close harmonic relationships, finely tuned to produce intricate interference patterns.

Performed at the Audiotheque in Miami, FL.
December 26, 2013

Thanks Gustavo!